SEPA Study Groups

SEPA Study Group is looking for YOU to get involved
The SEPA study group is currently without a coordinator. The Study Group Coordinator does not have to be the “instructor”, however, the coordinator does need to be able to lead study group activities. The coordinator can be an individual who can find and administer other instructor volunteers.
Why be a Study Group Coordinator?
- To support the SEPA foundation. Once a payroll professional achieves their CPP/FPC certification, they are 80% more likely to stay an active lifelong SEPA member.
- Study Groups bring payroll professionals together. Study Group participates are business professional, “just like yourself”. Study Group participants network and support each other.
- Free access to The Payroll Source (electronic version)
- Coordinators and instructors get RCH credits. For every hour of live instruction, the coordinator and instructor can receive one RCH credit, (up to 28 RCH credits per year).
- The Coordinator will work with instructors (or instruct secession in absence of a trainer) set-up facilities (physical or on-line), schedule dates, develop material (APA material is provided), administrative communication with APA corporate, and promotion of the Certification Study Group.
- The coordinator must be able to commit the time needed to prepare study materials and attend study group meetings. Schedules to be coordinated with instructors.
- The coordinator must be a member of the SEPA Chapter (national membership is optional)
Instructors wanted:
- If you are interested or want to talk about the position of study group coordinator, please contact us at